Monday, January 28, 2008

The Studio

So originally I was hoping to have a post with pictures and a video of our apartment. But that is taking me a little longer then expected so I am putting this post of first. It will give you pictures of what our studio space is like as well as a virtual tour of the studio!!!!! Its a pretty sweet place. We are borrowing the space from MBM Architects. It looks like a space where lots of drafting and model building was done as you will be able to see in the video and pictures that show some of there best done work on display. However aside from that it is basically this large green cinder-blocked dual level space. It has screened windows on all sides for safety and privacy, with a sweet spiral staircase that takes you upstairs to the second level where we have even more workspace. We also have a bathroom as well as storage space upstairs all on a floor with a beautiful railing that is not only a foot and a half too short, but it almost wraps all the way around our second floor. There is also this sweet mechancal lift however we're not "allowed" to use it. But I'm definately working on getting our TA to change her mind. You can also see the awesome scanning and printing center we have set-up. Its actually an identical Spanish version of the lab in the Crough center. There is no paper, everything works seperately, and it is way too small!!! Ohhhh Zinnngggeeeerrrrrrrr!!!!!!! But other then that I would not want to have any other kind of space. It is so makeshift and cool. This is one of the first spaces that I arrived at where I truly felt a sense of being a college student away in another country working in a small makeshift studio space and relying on what I can do with the tools I'm given! So all in all its a really cool place whose character is only matched by those on this trip. Enjoy the video and I apology for the resolution, hopefully its good enough, if there is problem try watching it at a smaller window. Hope you like what we got!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Real First Post! Kinda!

Hello and welcome to the second first post. Within this week I'm going to try and catch up with everything that is going on. Today I want to give you a little intro into the Barcelona Program and a little more info about myself. I know its kinda boring but its gonna keep getting better. Also there is some information about myself that I put into my profile section so feel free to check that out.
So yeah I'm in Barcelona and its awesome. Your probably wondering why, and even if your not wondering why I'm going to tell you anyway. I'm a junior architecture student at the Catholic University of America. For the second semester of my junior year there are 30 spots given to students for study abroad programs to both Rome and Bracelona. I picked Barcelona and am more then psyched to be here. This country is absolutely amazing and within the next 4 months I will try to post everything about my experience here. This will range from certain Architectural posts or projects, to the most fun nights that we have here. I will try to keep everyhting in my blog fun and interactive with loads of pictures and videos. I will try to do my best and make this the sweetest blog out here in Barcelona, however 5 classes are not the easiest things to juggle around so bear with me. Feel free to comment or respond to any post or media put on my blog. As I mentioned early I will try to get all of you caught up with this awesome experience here in Barcelona with the other 16 students here with me. Look for the next post which will give you a glimpse of the apartment me and 6 others are crashing in, as well as an intro to my roomates and the first PRANK of the WEEK!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hola Everybody!

Welcome to my awesome blog space. Remember it, because it is the one you will want to come back to for the sweetest updates of my awesome experience of both Barcelona and the rest of Europe! I will try to keep the most up-to-date blogs with loads of pictures and hopefully other forms of media. I want to give you the experiences of not only the sites I see but of everything that occurs on this trip. Both the hardships, experiences, and the most funny moments of this time abroad will be captured in this blog. Its the experience of a lifetime and through this blog I will try to give you a taste of what is happening on this sick study abroad in BARCELONA!!!!!!